
Mobile Delivery Platform

Empowering mobile operators and OEMs to monetize their devices and provide customers a frictionless user experience


Out-of-Box Device Monetization

Tailor the setup and app delivery experience upon device activation to maximize customer engagement.

Dynamic Installs

Tailor the setup and app delivery experience upon device activation to maximize customer engagement.

Out-of-Box Wizard

Give your customers the ability to choose from a curated list of apps for both entertainment and utility, with a walkthrough wizard we provide.

Device Lifecycle Engagement


Send smarter notifications to customers based on time or behavior triggers to improve the likelihood that customers will take real action.


Share recommended applications with customers without any incremental storage loss or use of data.

Smart Folder

Allow customers to automatically categorize applications, and then provide contextual app recommendations based on that category.

Side Screen

Surface strategic content and provide advertising inventory with side-swipe capability. Full side screen and a variety of widgets available.

Remove Friction with Single-Tap Installs

Removing friction from the app install process increases conversion rates and provides a superior user experience.

goodlyads.com's Single-Tap install capability removes the risk of your customers being side-tracked or discouraged from installing your recommended apps.

Notifications keep the customer up-to-date during download. A post-install prompt helps them open the app when they're ready.

Reach Customers on the Open Market

Our Mobile Delivery Platform offers the unique opportunity for a mobile operator to tailor the BYOD customer onboarding experience.

From welcoming users via notification, to frictionless app delivery, we offer a number of ways for our partners to engage with customers on the open market.

Generate Revenue With Full-Service Media Management

We provide an end-to-end system of campaign sourcing, yield management, and reporting either as a complete system or integrated with your technology.

Campaign Sourcing

Our team of dedicated salespeople has more experience at selling carrier and OEM app inventory than anyone in the world.

Yield Management

We use both experienced human resources and technology to optimize the available real estate on millions of devices in real time via our Ad Server.

Extensive Reporting

Years of experience with carriers, OEMs and Advertisers around the world have given our team an extensive set of reporting capabilities to meet the most demanding requirements.